Background of Kompetisi Pariwisata Indonesia 14 

Kompetisi Pariwisata Indonesia (KPI) is an annual activity that has been held for 13 years, and in 2024 the event will return namely Kompetisi Pariwisata Indonesia (KPI) 14 with the theme “Connecting Tourism to Nature for Environmental sustainability”. This theme connects tourism conditions with nature to improve environmental sustainability which is supported by a sustainable concept based on 3 pillars namely; social-cultural, economic, and environmental.

 In addition, KPI 14 will be held again at an international level with the aim of protecting and learning how to manage the natural environment which can be felt in the current phenomenon, where the natural environment is poorly maintained with lots of rubbish piled up in the environment around us. In this case, this waste can be recycled into creative items and can then be developed continuously. Apart from focusing on waste management, KPI is able to introduce Indonesia cultural diversity which is still less explored in the eyes of the world.

 The tourism competition is a competition in the field of tourism that can be followed by national and international tourism students. while the general competition is a competition that can only be followed by all national and international students from various majors. 

KPI 14 was carried out for 3 days offline and live streaming via YouTube, where the first and second days focused on competition activities, and the third day focused on awarding activities. On the other hand, KPI 14 has several competitions which have 2 rounds and are held in a hybrid, namely at the online preliminary stage and the offline final round at a predetermined place 

Theme of Kompetisi Pariwisata Indonesia 14 

The theme of KPI 14 is “Connecting Tourism to Nature for Environmental Sustainability” with the tagline “Be Responsible for Sustainable Tourism”. This theme connects tourism conditions with nature to improve environmental sustainability. This theme also has continuity with the previous KPI concept, namely Rethinking Tourism, which rethinks what the tourism sector will look like in the future, seen from 4 pillars namely; social-economic, cultural, environmental and sustainable development, after being able to think about the future impacts on the tourism sector, it can be developed and focused one by one to provide great benefits for the next generation.

 Therefore, at the Kompetisi Pariwisata Indonesia (KPI) 14, the concept of connecting tourism was adopted, where the theme was based on environmental conditions that must be maintained and continuously preserved so that the environment can have a positive impact on the sustainability of life in the future, apart from that, another aim is to try raise awareness and think about how important it is to recycle waste for a beautiful environment.

 Kompetisi Pariwisata Indonesia (KPI) 14 not only develops environmental concepts but is supported by preserving Indonesian culture. The form of implementing environmental sustainability in KPI 14 is by focusing on waste management that can be recycled and will be implemented in every competition held, one of the competitions which is closely related to the KPI 14 theme, namely Cycle Eco-bition which is a new competition. Cycle Eco-bition is a competition for making works from used goods into goods that have positive value. 

With this theme, it is hoped that students can innovate and collaborate to continue to connect the natural environment within the scope of tourism, apart from that KPI 14 is a forum for students to develop ideas, innovations and collaborate on tourism for the future. KPI 14 is also supported by technological advances in the concept of sustainability which is implemented during registration using a QR barcode and will be implemented directly through the photobooth at the main venue. The tagline “Be Responsible for Sustainable Tourism” is an encouraging sentence for participants to make tourism students aware of being responsible for sustainable tourism in the future. 



The KPI letters that form a mask symbolize the identity of KPI; the mask represents the culture of Indonesian society as a sacred and religious object, with the hope that this tourism competition can preserve Indonesian culture and promote it to the general public so that it remains sustainable.

The infinity shape symbolizes sustainability and also symbolizes resilience. With sustainability, it is hoped that all parties involved in this KPI, especially tourism actors, can be more aware and concerned about sustainable tourism. So that it does not only focus on increasing economic income but can also pay attention to social, economic, environmental, and cultural aspects of developing tourism. With resilience, it is hoped that in any condition, the Indonesian Tourism Competition can survive and continue to innovate to become a forum for related parties, especially for tourism students to hone their skills to compete amid uncertain times.

The purple color symbolizes courage. With this courage, it is hoped that all parties involved, especially tourism students, as the next generation of tourism, can have the courage to try new things to create better innovations for Indonesian tourism in the future.

The orange symbolizes enthusiasm with the hope that all parties involved, especially competition participants, can enthusiastically show creativity in participating in the Indonesian Tourism Competition.

The yellow color symbolizes cheerfulness and optimism. It is hoped that all parties involved in the KPI, including tourism students, will continue to be optimistic about moving forward and innovating amid uncertain times.

The blue color symbolizes responsibility, wisdom, and professionalism. It is hoped that all parties involved can behave professionally and responsibly in contributing to the Indonesian Tourism Competition activities.

Vision and Mission Kompetisi Pariwisata Indonesia 14 

The purpose of implementing KPI 14

The KPI 14 vision is as follows: 

Making the Kompetisi Pariwisata Indonesia 14 a forum for tourism students to develop their skills and form participants who care and are aware of the environment. 

The KPI 14 mission is as follows: 

1. Applying sustainable concepts during the event. 

2. Increase students' awareness of environmental conditions. 

3. Optimizing the use of technology to support sustainable concepts.

 4. Raising tourism and environmental issues in the competition. 

5. Collaborating with stakeholders who support the sustainable concept. 

6. Increasing student innovation and creativity. 

7. Making tourism students collaborate with each other through this KPI 14 event