Download the Term of References (TOR) of the competition
Guiding Competition
Guiding is a skill in guiding a trip by interpreting information on the attractiveness of a tourist destination/attraction. Guiding competition is a competition to test participants' skills in leading and guiding a tour with good and correct guiding techniques. This competition carries the theme "Guiding Responsibly in Over Tourism Attraction" where participants will interpret an attraction in their respective regions that are affected by over tourism or a situation when the number of tourists is excessive, so that it can have a negative impact on the region and local communities.
Duration : 15 minutes/participants
Venue : Bus Transportation (Bandros)
Contact Person : +62 858-6427-3988 (Naila Nafisa Azahra))
Live review : May 16 2024
General Term
Participants are students from national and international universities;
Participants are Tourism Majors with D1 to S1 levels who are still active and must attach a Student Identity Card (KTM) / Student Certificate (SKM);
Participants are prohibited from including, wearing, and displaying the identity of the institution of origin such as logos, flags, uniforms, alma mater suits, initials of the institution in any form during the competition;
Each team must register at the link provided on the official KPI website (, no later than the date:
Early Bird (March 05 - 11, 2024)
Batch 1 (March 15 - 22, 2024)
Batch 2 (March 28 - April 30, 2024)
Batch 3 (May 06 - 11, 2024)
Each university is allowed to send more than one representative (maximum 3 representatives);
Participants are required to join the whatsapp group;
Participants must attend the technical meeting online on May 14, 2024 through the platform provided by the committee;
Participants are required to attend the opening and closing offline which takes place at the main venue Pendopo Tonny Soewandito Politeknik Negeri Bandung, if participants are unable to attend then they can follow online via KPI 14 YouTube streaming;
Participants are only allowed to wear and display the identity of the institution of origin at the time of closing or awarding;
Participants must be present a maximum of 30 minutes before the event starts;
The jury's decision is absolute and inviolable.
Special Term
The competition is an individual category;
Interpretation topics related to tourist attractions affected by over tourism or it can be said that the number of tourists is "too much" on the tourist component in tourist attractions in each participant's area;
Participants are able to interpret the positive impact of over tourism in the selected tourist attraction;
Participants are required to convey information correctly, precisely, and interestingly;
Participants are able to create a travel atmosphere with assumptions in the attraction area of selected tourist destinations / tourist attractions;
The language used is English;
Participants are required to wear KPI 14 name tags.
Each participant is required to wear batik clothes (not campus batik) during the competition;
The use of assistive devices does not affect the assessment of assistive devices allowed only: Hardfile images or iconic objects from the chosen destination;
Online tools are not allowed;
The participants are prioritized grooming.
Technicalities Competition
This competition was held on the second day of May 16, 2024;
The guiding competition is carried out on bus transportation (bandros) by interpreting a tourist spot that has been chosen by each participant and the form of presentation in simulation like a tour guide;
Participants are not allowed to bring notes in any form during guiding;
Guiding lasts 15 minutes consisting of 10 minutes of guiding and 5 minutes of question and answer session;
Guiding competition is divided into 2 sessions;
Questions from the judges outside the 4-minute answer time, with a time limit of 30 seconds for the judges to submit questions.
Participants who take and plagiarize / copy other people's work that has been made will be disqualified;
Registered participants may not be replaced for any reason;
Participants who are late in submitting their work without a logical explanation will be disqualified;
It is prohibited to disturb other participants during the competition;
Guiding materials that violate racial and pornographic elements will be disqualified during and after the judging;
Participants who include, use, display the identity of the institution of origin such as logos, flags, uniforms, alma mater suits, initials of the institution in any form, disrupt the course of the competition, cheat, disrupt the security and safety of other participants, will be disqualified. Participants who are subject to these sanctions are considered canceled and do not get a refund;
If the participant is absent or late without confirmation to the committee on the day of implementation, the participant is considered to have resigned.